Field Court Chambers is running its annual series of employment law update seminars. This year, members of our employment team will be speaking about discrimination, unfair dismissal and the gig economy, bringing participants up to date with the key cases and events of the past year. Each session is limited to 10 participants and will be pitched to benefit everyone from partner level down to trainees.
This session will provide an update on unfair dismissal cases over the past 12 months, including:
- Gross misconduct in Adesokan v Sainsbury’s and Richards v IP Solutions
- Reliance on final written warnings in Bandara v British Broadcasting Corp
- The admissibility of pre-termination negotiations in Faithorn Farrell Timms v Bailey
- Time limits in Rabess v LFEPA and Governing Body of Sheredes School v Davies
- Repudiatory breach in Ishaq v Royal Mail
- Date of dismissal in Newcastle NHS Foundation Trust v Hay wood
SPEAKERS: Francis Hoar & Lauren Suding