We represent the full range of parties involved in Court of Protection cases - the individuals the cases relate to (acting through the Official Solicitor or other litigation friends), their families, local authorities and other public bodies.

We also act in High Court cases in which the inherent jurisdiction is invoked to protect vulnerable adults and children.

Our barristers handle sensitive and complex matters including:

  • deprivation of liberty
  • judicial review
  • serious medical treatment decisions
  • human rights
  • financial abuse
  • disputes with appointed deputies
  • media applications.

Jonathan Cowan acted for the local authority in the Supreme Court deprivation of liberty case D (A Child) UKSC 2018/0064 which considered the conditions for a deprivation of liberty of a 16 or 17-year-old.

Members of our team can also offer expertise in related areas of law: community care, public law, mental health and family law. We can advise in these areas when they arise in Court of Protection cases and can act in related proceedings.

Court of Protection barristers