We represent a range of public bodies and individuals in challenges to government decisions. These often related to adult services, children’s services and housing.
Our barristers regularly appear on behalf of clients in the Administrative Court and Upper Tribunal.
We are particularly known for our judicial review cases relating to:
- the provision of adult social care under the Care Act 2014 including the lawfulness of assessments, the relationship between the Care Act 2014 and the Housing Act 1996, and the lawfulness of local authority offerings to the public.
- The provision of local authority care services to children and young adults, including the interaction with education services, the lawfulness of assessments and inter-local authority disputes
- constitutional law - challenging the lawfulness of the UK government’s initial decision not to hold European Parliamentary elections and of the first extension of the period for leaving the European Union under Article 50 as well as the lawfulness of the ‘lockdown’ and ‘quarantine’ regulations imposed as a result of the coronavirus epidemic
- age assessment disputes
- housing decisions eg concerning the lawfulness of a local authority’s gypsy and traveller site allocation policy, and allocations under Part VI of the Housing Act 1996