We advise and represent local authorities, registered housing providers, registered social landlords, private landlords and tenants in possession and eviction proceedings.
Our work includes the whole range of possession cases, from simple applications to stay warrants to complex possession cases involving issues of mental capacity or discrimination. We have particular expertise in possession cases involving succession, tenancy fraud, anti-social behaviour, unlawful eviction and harassment, mental capacity and the Equality Act 2010.
Many of our housing barristers also have expertise in areas of law which frequently overlap with housing law, such as human rights, EU law and community care. Our knowledge of these areas enables us to identify legal points in cases which go beyond housing issues.
Emma Godfrey co-authors the highly acclaimed practitioners’ textbook ‘Claims to the Possession of Land’
Our notable possession and eviction cases include:
- Jarvis v Evans & Evans [2020] HLR 40 (CA): (a s.8 notice served in breach of s.7(2) Housing (Wales) Act 2014 was invalid)
- Hackney LBC v Yildiz [2019] HLR 46 (CA): (relationship between s.83 and Ground 15A, Schedule 2, Housing Act 1985)