The Renters Rights Bill – what does it mean for landlords and tenants?
Jonathan Pennington Legh summarises key aspects of the Renters Rights Bill and highlights who will be impacted by the proposals as they currently stand.
Jonathan Pennington Legh summarises key aspects of the Renters Rights Bill and highlights who will be impacted by the proposals as they currently stand.
LexisNexis has published Max Thorowgood's property disputes analysis of El Massouri v Omani Estates in which he acted for Omani Estates Ltd.
Sarah McKeown discusses D’Aubogny v Khan & Anor which raised the issue of service of documents before a valid s.21 notice can be given. Landlord and tenant advisers need to be considering the difference between 'deemed' vs 'actual' service. The Court of Appeal is going to consider the point further along with whether s.7 Interpretation Act 1978 applies.
Jonathan Pennington Legh discusses the Supreme Court judgment in the Japanese Knotweed case of Davies v Bridgend County Borough Council and its implications for residual diminution in value cases. He also offers guidance for claimant solicitors dealing with similar cases.
Can a court lawfully order the parties to court proceedings to engage in a non-court based resolution process such as an internal complaints procedure operated by a local authority? If so, in what circumstances? These were the important issues explored by the Court of Appeal in Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council.
A dramatic change to much of civil litigation – a new fixed recovery costs regime (FRC) begins on Sunday (1 October). Intended to control costs in advance, the changes seek to enable parties to predict their costs exposure and recoverable costs at each specific stage of litigation. Although well-intentioned, the scheme carries potential pitfalls. To […]
The Supreme Court today handed down its decision in Rakusen v Jepson & Ors confirming that a superior landlord cannot be a respondent to an application for a rent repayment order (RRO) where the property is an unlicensed HMO.
Max Thorowgood considers the property dispute of Dixon and another v Crown Estate Commissioners [2022] EWHC 3256 (Ch).