All current housing possession claims are suspended from today (27 March 2020) for 3 months. However it important to note that this is simply a suspension for 3 months. Any hearing in the list during this period will come out.
This does mean that as things stand tenants are still expected to pay their rent during the next 3 months, despite landlords being able to obtain 3 month mortgage holidays. Full details are on the UK government website.
The key text is:
From tomorrow (27 March 2020) following a decision by the Master of the Rolls with the Lord Chancellor's agreement the court service will suspend all ongoing housing possession action – this means that neither cases currently in the or any about to go in the system can progress to the stage where someone could be evicted. This suspension of housing possessions action will initially last for 90 days, but this can be extended if needed. This measure will protect all private and social renters, as well as those with mortgages and those with licenses covered by the Protection from Eviction Act 1977. This will apply to both England and Wales.