Supreme Court judgment in deprivation of liberty case
The Supreme Court has today handed down judgment in the case of Re D (A Child).
The Supreme Court has today handed down judgment in the case of Re D (A Child).
Jonathan Cowen successfully represented Birmingham City Council in the Court of Appeal in an appeal against a decision of the Court of Protection that a 16 year old disabled child (D), who lacked capacity to make decisions about his residence and care, was deprived of his liberty in a residential placement in circumstances where D’s […]
Jonathan Cowen and Edward Bennett successfully acted for a Local Authority in arguing that the arrangements made by a Trust for a disabled 15 year old child in a hospital which were made with parental consent did not constitute a deprivation of the child's liberty requiring authorisation under the inherent jurisdiction.
Tony Harrop-Griffiths, Jonathan Cowen, Christine Cooper and Angela Hodes have co-authored a book which addresses the wide range of legal issues affecting people with dementia.