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John McLinden KC & John Critchley act for successful solicitor in overturning intervention by regulator

John McLinden KC and John Critchley, assisted by first-six pupil Andrew Burrell, successfully persuaded the High Court to withdraw the intervention against their client and his firm in Santers Solicitors Limited & Anr v Law Society & The SRA [2024]. The judgment is a rare example of a solicitor overturning an intervention in their practice by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

John Critchley to speak at SFE London event: advising a suicide’s family about forfeiture and relief (Ninian v Findlay 2019)

Register to hear John Critchley discuss Ninian v Findlay [2019] EWHC 297 (Ch) - in which he represented the successful claimant  - at a Solicitors for the Elderly event on Wednesday 6 September in London. The talk will explore the legal, financial and ethical implications of the criminal offence of assisted suicide to help families and their advisers understand the forfeiture rule.