London Legal Walk 2022

21 June 2022

A team of our barristers and friends will take part in the 10km London Legal Walk in one week's time. They will walk with more than 10,000 others to raise funds for free legal services across London and the South East.

The money raised goes to charities that provide legal advice and representation to those in need. One of our barristers, Sarah McKeown is a trustee of the London Legal Support Trust which organises the event.

Access to justice means that people should be able to equally access legal support, advice, and representation irrespective of their financial position. Receiving the legal advice they need makes a huge difference to these people’s lives, reducing debt, poverty and homelessness, and combatting discrimination and injustice.

However, many people are unable to access justice due to multiple barriers including legal aid cuts, as well as court closures.

If you would like to sponsor the team, please visit our fundraising page.