The Renters Rights Bill – what does it mean for landlords and tenants?
Jonathan Pennington Legh summarises key aspects of the Renters Rights Bill and highlights who will be impacted by the proposals as they currently stand.
Jonathan Pennington Legh summarises key aspects of the Renters Rights Bill and highlights who will be impacted by the proposals as they currently stand.
Sarah McKeown discusses D’Aubogny v Khan & Anor which raised the issue of service of documents before a valid s.21 notice can be given. Landlord and tenant advisers need to be considering the difference between 'deemed' vs 'actual' service. The Court of Appeal is going to consider the point further along with whether s.7 Interpretation Act 1978 applies.
Many tenants don't know who their landlord is. They may live in accommodation provided by an agent to a local authority via a chain of "supplier agreements". Supposedly these are designed to promote market efficiency. But usually they have the effect (intended or otherwise) of making it impossible to work out who is actually responsible for the tenant's living conditions.
The Supreme Court today handed down its decision in Rakusen v Jepson & Ors confirming that a superior landlord cannot be a respondent to an application for a rent repayment order (RRO) where the property is an unlicensed HMO.
Christopher McCarthy reviews the decision of the Court of Appeal in Baptie v The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. The case considers what form 'reasonable living expenses', as part of an affordability assessment to determine whether an applicant is homeless intentionally.
Savannah Bullen-Manson highlights some of the key proposals impacting landlords and tenants in the the government’s white paper, A fairer private rented sector. The white paper introduces the government’s ambitions for the Renters Reform Bill,
Jonathan Pennington Legh discusses the scope and aims of the Social Housing Regulation Bill which was introduced in parliament yesterday following its inclusion in the Queen’s Speech.
Clare Cullen considers the case of Croydon London Borough Council v Kalonga [2022] UKSC 7. The Supreme Court considered if, and how, a flexible tenancy can be ended during the fixed term.