Webinar: Rough sleepers and local authority duties: what next?

20 July 2020

Many rough sleepers have been accommodated during the Covid-19 pandemic. This has been achieved without legislative changes to Part VII, Housing Act 1996. And funding has now been announced to keep those accommodated from returning to the streets.

In this webinar, Sarah McKeown, Clare Cullen and Alex Campbell of the Field Court Chambers housing team will consider:

  • The interaction between the policy to house rough sleepers and a local authority’s legal obligations.
  • Priority need and Covid-19.
  • The impact of recent homelessness case law.

To register

Please email the following details to events@fieldcourt.co.uk:

  • Your first name and last name
  • Your job title and organisation

Registered delegates will be sent login details in advance to join the webinar.


Sarah McKeown specialises in housing and public law in England and Wales.  Her practice incorporates homelessness, anti-social behaviour, landlord and tenant, human rights and Equality Act 2010 issues.

Clare Cullen specialises in housing, property and local government work. She advises and represents public and private clients including local authorities.

Alexander Campbell focuses primarily on property law and public law. His expertise in the fields of mental capacity, disability discrimination, social care and human rights law considerably complement his social housing practice.